Caffeine Fueled Thoughts

Here I sit, drinking my amazing peppermint mocha coffee, one of my own making. Totally healthy, totally awesome and delicious. With so much caffeine in my system one must wonder what I will do with all of its glorious power.
Well, for starters I’ve done two loads of laundry and it is only 7:30 in the AM. I wonder what other trouble I can get into, hmmmm.
I get to pick up my beautiful granddaughter from school today and she is going to spend the night! How great is that? Tomorrow will be a full day for us as we have been planning it for a month. I don’t think I will tell what we will be doing now, I do believe I will tell the stories of our adventures afterward.
As you all have surmised I have stayed away from controversial topics of late. I shall be continuing that trend as I really don’t want to focus on the negative, yet. It’s coming, I feel it inside me, a rant is on the way and it will be a fine one, but for now, I shall not be ranting. I will continue writing about things that seem trivial to others, but mean something to me.
I am so totally in love with my green smoothie regimen. I am drinking one for breakfast and one for dinner, with lunch usually being a salad. So beyond healthy and quite honestly a little sad for me.
I do dress the smoothies up at times with peanut butter, add in a banana and the chocolate fudge Orgain protein and there is one tasty treat!
I feel the health flowing in my veins, smoothies combined with the Fascia Blaster and the exercising is making me a complete health addict.
Teenage Angie is like what the heck, but this Angie is ok with it. I will be honest, I do not stick strictly with this on weekends. I try, but there is so much going on that I don’t have time to eat a lot. I have also discovered Sole Water, pronounced solay, it is sooooo good. I make it myself with pink Himalayan salt. You should google it, I actually start my day with it, and now I crave it. Seriously good, I crave salty things anyway and this really does satisfy that craving. Plus, it is very healthy for me, ugh, there’s that word again. Healthy. I am making myself a little queasy with all this health talk.
On to other things, can I be honest here? I would like to say, and I know this will be shocking to some, to others not so much, I love Supergirl so much when Dean Cain is on. There I’ve said it, the writing and directing that I was hoping for when SG changed over to the CW is just not there yet. It’s better than the CBS version, but it is still not there. I don’t understand, the others are incredible, Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, all greatness. Supergirl is missing something, and they need to fix it quick, having Dean, Terri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo on was really casting gold. But now we need solid directing and writing.
The love stories are awkward and stilted, I suggest they put those aside until they can find their stride story wise and directing wise. Then add them in, we can wait for that, we waited for Oliver/Felicity, which ended badly, but satisfyingly. We waited for Cisco to find his love interest, and it was worth the wait. We can wait for Supergirl characters as well.
Still love Melissa Benoist in this part, she is so gleeful in her portrayal of Kara, you can tell she is having fun. I love that, it is on par with the Legends actors. I really love when they pair Kara with Barry Allen, they are so fun to watch.
So, please, Sugergirl, get it together! Give us the storylines we want, that you deserve!
As always, you can reach me at with any criticisms or praises, I accept both.