I Used to Like Dreaming

Ok, so, I had the most unsettling dream that I have ever had night before last.

I was in a really ugly, cheap apartment, I was in the living room and it was super bright. Blindingly bright, with an ugly couch and broken blinds. I lived there in my dream, I don’t know why.

I decided I needed to take the trash out so I put on this absurdly ugly coat. It was black and puffy and made out of plastic. Something I would never wear.

I grab the trash and open the front door to utter darkness. A stark contract to the bright interior of the ugly apartment. I walk out and see a figure standing to the side, I can’t see the face, it is completely dark and without features. It was like looking into a void.

This being grabs me from behind, pinning my arms down and begins squeezing me. I can’t breathe and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I’m trying to scream and can’t. I was thinking just go limp, then I forced myself to wake up.

Last night I didn’t want to sleep because I didn’t want to dream. Thankfully I didn’t wake screaming. I’ve been known to do that.

If anyone out there can interpret that dream I’d be happy to learn the meaning. Our dreams are our subconscious trying to tell us something. I wish I knew what this one meant.

No new dating updates, I’ve blocked a lot, it’s really me, not true, some of it is them.

If you have any thoughts, comments or interpretations of my dream you can reach me here or at angie@angieworld.com

Dating Update

Ok, so, I did it, my profile on Bumble is live, let the rejection begin. I did indeed use the profile blurb created by my BBFF with my addition on there. I don’t think anyone gets it so far. I do think one man googled the references but upon my conversing further upon the subject he quickly unmatched with me.

I have unmatched with a lot so far, I have one conversation that is happening now, but I honestly don’t think it is going to go too far as he is not nerdy enough.

I say that because I would drive him insane faster than he would drive me insane.

Can you imagine not understanding anything that comes out of someones mouth. They are speaking the same language but not, it can be very confusing.

One man said he played soccer, that was a no brainer, unmatch, one said something I didn’t like about the shirt I had on in one of my photos. Oh, FYI I did allow Shay to choose my photos. All decision making was given away, the only decision I keep is in the choosing.

I am going to be honest here, none are Deanesque so far, I’ll also be honest about this, if someone has on their profile if you voted for whoever don’t swipe right on me. I swipe left on all of them, I don’t want to argue and I don’t want to hear an argument based on elections, politicians or government.

Also, soccer is totally off of the table, trust me when I tell you I have nothing good to say about soccer watchers or players. My last experience taught me so much about those people. If you are one of those people I don’t need you to argue with me about it, not all people are the same, I get it, but I don’t have to live with it.

So, I saw Avengers: Endgame, no worries, I am not going to talk about it yet. I will wait until it has been out for a few weeks before voicing my take on the whole thing. I will say this, go see it, I was completely blown away.

Other than that, you will not be getting anything out of me, thankfully Shay already saw it, so I had someone to talk to about the whole thing.

Please, people, hurry and see it so I can talk about it, I am literally dying! No, not literally, that is hyperbole, however, I do need everyone to see it.

Other than that, nothing else to report on the dating front, I have not set up any actual dates. Wish me luck, say prayers for these men that actually come into contact with me, they may leave more scarred than I.

As usual any comments, questions, suggestions or criticisms can be left here or at angie@angieworld.com.

Popcorn, Milkduds and Pop

I’ve been thinking a lot about my cousin Pat these past few days. There’s one story I’d like to share, I think it will tell you a lot about him and me.

When I was about 6 Pat and I were at our grandparents house, it was a rare day as we were the only cousins there. Typically the house was overrun with cousins.

Grandma and grandpa told us they were going to town and Pat was going to watch the baby, which was me. He was having none of this. He wanted to go to the movies. Grandma told him he was going to do it and that was that.

As soon as the car was down the road Pat grabbed my hand and said let’s go I’m not missing this movie because I have to watch you.

So off we went, we actually took the bus, Pat was only 12 or 13 T this time. We get to the theater and I think Pat realized what he did. He looked at me and said you can’t tell grandma. Everyone was scared of her, except me, I didn’t have enough sense to be scared of her. I remember grinning at him and he said what’s it going to take. Without missing a beat I said popcorn, milk duds and pop.

He bought all of that, I’m pretty sure it took all of his money. I very happily sat there munching my bribery snacks watching my first ever James Bond movie.

To this day whenever I hear Live and Let Die I smile and think about my favorite boy cousin.

Going Home

There are some things easy to articulate and some that are not. This is one of those times I find myself wordless.

My favorite boy cousin has been fighting a battle for a while. Yesterday his body couldn’t fight anymore and his soul went home.

Every great early childhood memory I have includes him. From the moment my grandparents brought me home he was my protector. The only one allowed to call me Angel. He was funny, sweet and tough as nails, as the men in my family are wont to be.

He is my cousin on my birth mothers side. The cousins I missed so much time with, the ones I’ve only been reunited with for what seems like a short time.

I need them to stop dying, seriously, I can’t do much more of this.

So Pat, until I see you again, I love you, I hope you are having a great reunion with your mom, dad and sister.

Resurrection Day

Today is the day we celebrate our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, He not only died on the cross, He rose from the dead.

When God, in human form raised from the dead.

He triumphed over injustice

He overcame death.

He in a blazing glory showed himself as the Messiah.

He lived, so we can have eternal life.

The savior of the world.

I wish I had thought of these words in this order, however, I did not, I saw them on twitter and they are so apt. Charlie Kirk posted them, I don’t know him, but I loved how he worded it.

This day is the most important day in Christian ideology, it is what we believe, it is why we believe the way we do, it is why we stay steadfast.

I am unashamedly a Christian, that is the first and foremost of my identity.

My favorite verses in the Bible are:

1 Corinthians 13:11-13 

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I try and keep these commandments in the forefront of my mind, I don’t always succeed, but thankfully when God sees me He sees Christ in me.

I have no doubt where I will go when this part of my being is over.

Happy Easter, Resurrection Day, may you all go in faith, hope and love, giving love the biggest part of your soul.

No Habla Inglise

So, BBFF sent me the blurb that I am to use in dating profile. I am going to add one thing, I’ll share it the way he sent it then with my addition:

“Highly personable pop culture nerd looking for a partner who not only can tell the difference between Shakespeare and Whedon, but enjoys having intelligent discussions on both. Must love flerkens. “

With my addition:

“Highly personable pop culture nerd looking for a partner who not only can tell the difference between Shakespeare and Whedon, but enjoys having intelligent discussions on both. Must love flerkens and dire wolves. “

Now for Shay to choose the pictures, then I shall take this step of putting myself out there. What a phrase, putting myself out there, what does that even mean. I literally go out into the world every day, well, ok, I go to work, maybe Target, Costco or Whole Foods, then sequester myself with a Flerken and a Dire Wolf. It’s a good life, a calm, serene life, seriously what man in his right mind wants to take on a Cordelia/Margo channelling nerd?

Speaking of Cordelia and Margo, I almost passed out watching the season ender of the Magicians. I am not going to spoil it in case there are people that have not watched it reading this.

But seriously, Margo is hands down the best written character since Cordelia Chase made her appearance. I find myself channelling Margo more and more and in my line of work that is not a good thing. If people could see the things in my mind that I want to say to them they would slap the living daylights out of me. Good thing they are on the phone and most of the time in a different state. Oh how I long for the days where I spoke to people who perform the same job functions as I. I used to work in a department where I only spoke to people in different companies that did the same job as I. There was one time a woman kept calling me, 5 times in a row with different questions, I very literally could not get any work done, on the 6th call I picked up the phone and said no habla Inglise. She burst out laughing and said I’ll stop for today, I said thank you and hung up. I miss those days, I don’t think I really appreciated them while they were happening.

Not that I don’t appreciate the job I have now, I do, I just become extra happy when a real IT person calls in, not the wannabe ones, but the real ones. I get to up my techno speak exponentially, it is glorious.

Picking up Tess today, it is our traditional spend the night and spend Good Friday together. I am just sad that Endgame is not out this weekend. Alas we will have to find other ways to entertain ourselves. Always an interesting time when Tess comes to visit. I do know a trip to the mall will be in there, as I need to get a birthday present for Maddox. One of the newer additions to our family, I do love shopping for little boys again.

Well that is all for now, will update you as soon as the dating profile goes live. Wish me luck would love to meet someone who possesses Dean Cain like qualities.

As usual any comments, questions or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

Learning Opportunity

I know I’ve given this information before but the past few weeks have led to believe it behooves me to impart this wisdom again.

When you have to call tech support for your internet and/or television issues here is a guideline on when to k ow it is your issue or your service providers issue.

If you see no signal on your television screen find the remote control that came with your television. Go to the input or source button. Push it, make sure you’re on the correct input. No signal means your television cannot see the cable receiver.

If your television will not turn on it’s your tv. Not your cable service provider. If your electricity is off, pay your bill.

If your computer will not turn on it’s not your internet service provider. It’s your computer. If your Bluetooth keyboard will not pair with your computer. Call the manufacturer. Not your internet service provider. If the router has no lights on it and your electricity is working, move the electrical rod to a different outlet. If it still won’t come on then call your service provider for a new one.

If you don’t know what an address bar is please learn. In this day and age pretending ignorance is passé.

If you have a smart phone please learn how to use it. Or call you cell phone service for assistance.

I love my job, when I get to actually do it, I really like resolving complex line issues. I even enjoy helping my older customers get back online and into their email. Or assisting customers getting their recordings back. I do love television and I completely understand those customers anxiety level.

However and this is a big however don’t assume people at my level make minimum wage. We are very well compensated for what we do. We are highly trained and well seasoned. If you call us asking for help we are happy to oblige. If you call us screaming obscenities you’re not going to get too far.

Do feel free to self educate yourself on your own equipment. You bought it, don’t be scared, you might even learn a new skill set.

As usual any comments, questions or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

Don’t Talk in Movies

I had a blog all planned, however, someone posted something on Facebook that I cannot let go.

You can all thank Julio for this one, so, apparently a woman, in Texas, asked her boyfriend (article says common-law husband) a question in a movie.

That’s right in a movie, first of all, who talks in the movies? I need to know because you and I will never go to the movies together. There is nothing more irritating than paying money to see a movie and someone talks that is not on the screen.

I wouldn’t have answered her either, I taught my children early on, don’t talk during the movie. yes, even at home, we are watching a movie, keep your comments and questions until the end. Then we will address all of your concerns, chances are your questions will be answered during said movie anyway.

Let’s get back to the incident at hand, she asked him if he thought she was pretty. He said he didn’t hear her, she beat the living daylights out of him. I am not condoning her behavior, but let’s break it down, shall we. First of all, normal women only ask that if the man in her life has stopped telling her that. That is a fact, she is insecure, maybe she put on a few pounds, maybe she got a bad haircut (it happens) or maybe she had a bad day at work. Whatever the situation, she is only asking because she hasn’t been told in a while that she is pretty.

We all like to hear it, and hear it from someone who is supposed to love us. I know that in relationships it gets easy during the day-to-day minutia to lose the romance of it all.

The beginning is all fun and games and filled with romance, then as time goes on both parties forget to do the things that won the other party to begin with.

Tell the woman she’s pretty and not in a Joey Tribiani kind of way, don’t do the you’re so pretty meaning she’s kind of slow.

Look her straight in the eye and say sometimes I forget to say it, but you are really pretty today. It doesn’t take much, I promise, then you won’t get beat up on date night.

Seriously though, I am in no way condoning this woman’s behavior, it was way over the top.

My point is what happened over the past few days to facilitate it. I have a theory, and it is not a popular one, but here goes, we all have that gene in us, that will allow us to turn on a dime, it just has to be triggered.

I am a rational, sane (BBFF stop laughing, I can hear you) person, but when that trigger is pulled, believe me, I can go all kinds of crazy on you.

It takes a lot, text messages at 3 am asking the man I’m seeing if he wants to see someone else that night. Or say, for instance, staying out until 5 am in the morning when his children are there. Things of that nature tend to trigger my crazy.

Other than that, I am the most rational human on the face of the planet.

Lessons we can take from here:

Don’t talk in movies

Don’t ask a man if he thinks your pretty in the middle of said movie

Tell your significant other how attractive you find them

Not a hard lesson, unless you are the one who was beaten up.

Any questions, comments or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

FYI I think she was totally in the wrong and should face the consequences of her actions. That should have in no way triggered that kind of response.

I Don’t Know You

I have a couple of things today, the first comes to us from Facebook, of course, where I have my love/hate relationship.

First off, I love Facebook for the way it keeps me in contact with family and friends that are far and near. With todays hectic lifestyles it is a great way to keep in touch. Having said that Facebook is also a great place to have your privacy invaded. By invaded I mean strange people sending you friend requests, people you don’t know and have only one person in common.

Now I am not talking about family or distant family, I am specifically speaking to the person who is friends with only one person I know, I don’t know you, you aren’t from the same town I’m from. So to you I say, “I don’t know you, that’s my purse”. If any of you are familiar with King of the Hill you will recognize that phrase.

I am not in the habit of accepting friend requests from men or women that I don’t know. I believe it’s bad form, if we do know each other and I have forgotten, which I am quite capable of doing, send me a message. A simple hey I’m so and so and we met at fill in the blank.

Also, if by chance, you are male and you happen to think I’m a looker, here’s the thing. And there is always a thing. If you smoke, no, if you wear crocs, no, flannel is probably out as well, unless we are hiking in the Rockies. If you look like Dean Cain, I’m all in, however, if you look like Dean I’m probably a no go for you.

Next up, I saw Shazam, the movie, which I am very excited about. I loved it, I am a huge fan of Captain Marvel, for those of you not in the know. That is his name in the comics, but the creators of this film could not call him that as Marvel’s Captain Marvel came out just last month. Since not everyone is a comic book fan they decided to not go with that name.

With this movie coming out I downloaded the DC Universe app and tried to watch the old Saturday morning Shazam shows. They have been remastered and the coloring is good, but they are dated. But the two I watched were still fun, I fully admit I switched over to Lois and Clark after 1 and a half Shazam shows.

Back to the movie, for those of you who are not familiar, Shazam stands for: the wisdom of Solomon,  the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury.  Zachary Levi did such an amazing job being the adult version of Billy Batson, and the child actor they got to play him as, well, a child, he was fantastic as well. I will not give away any spoilers as the movie hasn’t been out for a week even. Just go see it, it is fun, and a great origin start for this character. I loved it, I will buy it when it comes out, I urge everyone who is a fan of comic books or superhero movies, go, now, leave your job, your home, the grocery store, just go.

Well, that is all I have for now, still waiting on my profile from BBFF and his GF. They have had a busy few weeks, I shall be patient. No dating profile as of yet, so no dating app. Stay tuned, they are not letting me off of the hook. Also people at work have become interested as well, so updates will be forthcoming when I have them.

As usual, any comments, questions or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

Into the Breach

So, BBFF is determined to have me keep my word and create a dating profile, so he asked me to send him my profile so he and GF could tweak said profile. That went something like this:

BBFF: send me your dating profile so we can tweak it:
Me: purple haired 55 year old comic book reading, superhero movie watcher seeks semi-normal man.
Him: seriously?  (I must interject here, even though we were chatting via computer, I could very literally envision BBFF saying seriously. I wish you could all hear it, he can combine the perfect amount of condescension, incredulousness and pathos in that one word, oh and the look that goes with it, slightly tilted head while looking down his nose. it is perfection).

Me: if you’re not afraid of Margo, Cordy or scary Willow call me.
Him: ………..
Me: OU fan seeks non-UT fan.
He gave up at that point. 

I edited it later to add must love Flerkens as I am a proud owner of one.

But seriously, is there a man out there that is age appropriate that actually knows the names Margo, Cordy and scary Willow? If there is, can he be semi-normal? I consider myself a non-normal, barely human, should have been born on Vulcan or Krypton being. Finding someone who compliments that combination is a tall order. Also, have i mentioned i’m shallow? I am, I have done the whole looking past looks thing and it never works out for me. I’m done, I still have my looks, for now, and I would like to meet someone who still has theirs.  I am still holding out for a Dean Cain, someone with his qualities, someone with his looks would be a huge bonus. if nothing else the dating app will definitely keep me in subjects for my online readers.

Age appropriate as well, no one who is the age of my children, that is icky, if I could have given birth to you I most certainly am not going to date you. Also, if he is of parental age for me, no go, that would put him at 75 and above, seriously not looking for that. I know, that is ageist as well, I’m not going to apologize for that, because I know men who are also shallow and ageist. I don’t feel bad for being the same way. I am still holding

On Sunday I will allow Shay to pick my photos in preparation for BBFF and his GF coming up with a blurb that succinctly describes me and all of my quirkiness. and yes, I do have purple hair now, I am going to go back and get it all over with highlights to make it pop.

of course if anyone has any comments, questions or criticisms you can leave them here or email me at angie@angieworld.com