
With this being New Years Eve, I find myself in a reflective mood, as is normal with humans this day. Or at least I am told. What I am really thinking about lately is family, in particular my family, my cousins, my long-lost cousins with whom I have reconnected with on Facebook. I didn’t realize how much I have missed having these people in my life. I know I try to keep my anonymity on this site, but today, and today only I am going to tell you who I was, maybe who I am, and definitely who I come from.
Jason, you inspired this entry with your Facebook post on who we are, as a whole. We are Testermans, anyone who has the last name Testerman can tell you exactly where we came from. We all have the same story, from Virginia to California, if you meet one of us, we can tell you who we are, where we come from and how proud we are to be one.
As a whole, we are crazy, not the scary put us in an insane asylum crazy, but the fun, welcome to the nuthouse kind of crazy. We love hard, we tend to play hard, and everyone is welcome to the madness. We are loyal, we will do anything for you, if you need something we will move heaven and earth to make sure you have it. Even if it means we will go without ourselves. Typically, we are intelligent, articulate, and funny as all get out. We tend to be very good-looking, and we all stick together. We may fight amongst ourselves, however, if an outsider wants to pick on one of us, you will have to take on all of us. And that is a formidable number.
I have missed my cousins more than I can say, Cindy was and remains my favorite girl cousin, there I said it, and Pat, well Pat was my favorite boy cousin. Jason was always my favorite second cousin, yes there are layers, he was the cutest little boy and I am happy to say he has grown up to be a man of faith and integrity.
I love them all, and cannot wait for the family reunion this year, I will be there!


Whenever I think of my friend Tammi, this is always our theme song. For those of you who do not know, that while, yes, this is the theme song to Golden Girls, it was a hit song before that. Tammi has always been there for me, she is the person in my life that knows every single thing about me and still loves me. So, Tammi, I love you like a sister, you are my best friend and have been since we were 13 years old. When we are old and gray, you will still be my best friend! So, this one is for you:

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
your heart is true you’re a pal and a confidant

I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see, the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say,
Thank you for being a friend

Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend

If it’s a car you lack
I’d surely buy you a cadillac
Whatever you need, anytime of the day or night

I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow

And when we both get older
With walking canes and hair of gray
Have no fear, even though it’s hard to hear
I will stand real close and say,
Thank you for being a friend

(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
(From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/a/andrew-gold-lyrics/thank-you-for-being-a-friend-lyrics.html)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Let me tell you bout a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend

And when we die and float away
Into the night, the Milky Way
You’ll hear me call, as we ascend
I’ll see you there, then once again
Thank you for being a friend

Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
Whoa, tell you about a friend
(Thank you right now, for being a friend)
Thank you for being a friend
(I wanna tell you right now, and tell you again)
Thank you for being a friend
(I wanna thank you, thank you, for being a friend)
Thank you for being a friend

Happy Birthday @RealNichelle

Today is Nichelle Nichols birthday, for those of you who do not know, Nichelle Nichols was Lt. Uhura on the original Star Trek. She was also a pioneer, a pioneer in the way she showed young girls at the time you could be more than a nurse, or a secretary or a housewife. Not that there is anything wrong with those occupations, however, Nichelle showed all of us we could be on the bridge of a starship, and work our way up to Captain, as her character became in the movies.
As a young girl that fell in love with Star Trek when I was influenced by her character, she was strong, yet kept her femininity, she was outspoken but not labeled a loud mouthed broad, and she was Captain Kirk’s link to Star Fleet. She was the keeper of the information highway. Plus she looked good in the uniform that also influenced me to want to always be able to look good in a Star Fleet uniform.
She has continued to be an influence, she is always classy, and she never says an unkind word about anyone that I have read. I now follow her on twitter and I can assure you she is still classy and informative and still a role model for me. She has never once put down her Star Trek roots; she welcomes fan interest and answers them on her twitter. She is always kind, considerate and an incredibly classy lady, I want to be like that as I grow older.
So happy birthday to the first lady of space travel, may you live long and prosper and continue to influence little girls everywhere to one day stand on the bridge of a starship.


Here I sit mentally preparing myself to go back to work, I am having coffee, reading the funny paper and Dear Abby, yes that is how I mentally prepare myself. And yes, I said funny paper, it might be online, but that is still what I call it. I read three comic strips, I have read the same ones for years, and I love them, they are what we call gentle humor. Gentle humor is necessary to get my day started the right way, nothing jarring, no bad news, no outside world, just me, my coffee and my funny paper.
Yesterday I did absolutely nothing, it was a total pajama day, I did watch my movie Elizabeth Anne got me, Just Go With It. I love that movie, I don’t know why, I can’t explain it, but I love it. I love Jennifer Anniston, I am total team Jennifer all the way, I believe what Angelina Jolie did was wrong. She is nothing but a two bit homewrecker, I don’t care how many kids she adopts or gives birth to, one day they will realize what she did, and it is not ok. She is gross, and dirty, and disgusting. I have said it before and I will say it again, if you knowingly break up a home there will be consequences, we have yet to see Angelina’s, and we may never see them, that is between her and God.
Too deep for what is my Monday this week, I shall be light and fluffy from this point forward.
I am having my Godiva Breakfast Blend coffee that Elizabeth Anne gave me for Christmas, it was in my Christmas stocking! I love it, have I mentioned lately what an amazing daughter I have?
Her birthday is coming up on February 1st, I already know what I am getting her, she will not be surprised. Maybe I will find one thing that will surprise her. I did manage to surprise her a little on Christmas. I can’t wait to see the pictures she takes with her new camera! I know she will be taking a ton of her animals! She is the Ellie Mae Clampett of Bonham, Texas. She got that from my Grandpa, he had a way with animals as well. So glad to see something of my family heritage passed down. She gets that whole farm girl thing from them, it skipped a generation, totally. I am not a farm girl, I know she gets irritated with me when I wear the wrong shoes whenever I go visit her. But what am I supposed to wear? I don’t have country shoes, oh, country shoes, I shall have to find those!
Happy short work week people!


Well Christmas has come and gone, it was a huge success and I loved seeing my children and Tessa. Yesterday was spent at Rachel and Richards home. She is from Ireland, like the Irishman, and he is American, so the opposite of us. It was so much fun, the people, the food, wow the food, it was an Irish breakfast. The sausage was amazing, I am not even kidding, the sausage was Irish sausage. Very different from the sausage that we have here. I can’t even begin to describe it, but I am hooked. I am going to have to get the site that they ordered it from, because it was just amazing. The company was even better, so much laughter, my sides still hurt from laughing so much.
I still have not gotten dressed today, I am sitting here in my pajamas and new slippers and my robe, drinking my coffee and deciding if I even want to get dressed. Perhaps today is the day I do nothing outside of this apartment. I’ll let you know tomorrow. I go back to work tomorrow, I work four days then off for 4 days, however I am still deciding on next Tuesday, I might give it up and just go to work on Tuesday. I can’t decide. Or maybe I should just take a road trip and go to Oklahoma. Or maybe I should take that day and go shopping. Decisions. I think for right now I will go refill my coffee cup and continue to infuse myself with caffeine.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, I truly hope that this Christmas is filled with peace and love for everyone. Christmas Eve is the day that my children and I gather for our family Christmas, well, gathering. We eat, we laugh and we exchange presents. We have been doing this on Christmas Eve for a long time, it started a few years after the divorce, that way they could enjoy the presents they got at our house before going to their home with their dad on Christmas day. We didn’t have to rush Christmas morning, or Christmas dinner, we had it all the day before. It worked well for us as a whole, and I believe it continues to do so, much less pressure on the kids if they don’t feel they have to choose a parent on a holiday.
Alex was missing from last nights festivities, and I missed him an enormous amount, but he was doing something that is important to him, I cannot fault him for that.
I believe everyone had a good time yesterday, I know my children well enough to know if they did not they would let me know in a heartbeat. I hope everyone liked their presents, I know I did, I have the most thoughtful children on the face of the planet.
Elizabeth Anne gave me Wonder Woman socks! And Godiva coffee and new slipper boots and a new coat and Starbucks coffee and sour skittles and one of my favorite movies. Jeffrey gave me a gift card to Macy’s, after Christmas sale here I come! Tessa was so funny last night, she and Elizabeth together are a comedy duo! I was laughing so hard watching those two, it was hysterical, I wish I had captured it on video. At one point Tess tells Elizabeth, your mommy is crazy. She was talking about me. I was like What!, I said who is her mom? she said you. Tess is 4 by the way. That is her new thing, everyone is crazy, I have no idea where she got it, but it is funny as all get out. We colored in her new coloring book, played with her new My Little Ponies and her new Barbie RV. She is a funny little girl who is bright, articulate and intelligent, of course she belongs to us!
I hope everyone has a great Christmas, not only for the presents, but to take time to reflect on why we have Christmas. God’s son was born this day, a son that would grow up to give His life for our sins. It is hard to be as unselfish as that, however, I shall strive to be a little more understanding of the people in my life.

Happy Friday, Happy Cookie Day!

Well it is upon us, cookie making season, the season where I make 5 batches of cookies to get one to turn out decent. Sugar cookies are a tough one, I have a tendency to make food the way I like it, and I like crispy things. Cookies, bacon, really everything except steak. I like that medium rare. But I love crispy cookies and bacon, my children however like their cookies soft. it is really had to make soft cookies. I don’t even know how to do it. It is no wonder they seriously hate my cooking. except for my dressing and green bean casserole, those are the two things they do like, oh and deviled eggs. I know how to make those.
Today I drove the Irishman to work so I could take his car and run last minute errands, I need my nails done so bad, they are way long and look bad. I need to go to the store and get the stuff to make the deviled eggs, on thing I forgot. And a few stocking stuffers.
a week from Saturday will be mine and the Irishman’s four year anniversary, I have nothing planned, I know he doesn’t. I don’t think it means that much to him to be honest Every time I say something about it he starts mumbling, which is what he does when he is trying to avoid a subject. That tells me all I need to know. The date is not that important, so he is going to see if I will forget it. So I guess I will be doing nothing for New Years Eve. Sad, that is what it is, I guess this is what you get after a while, dates are not important to the other person.
Well I am off to get dressed and get my errands done, then it is more cooking making and present wrapping. I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Holiday Happenings

The miracle that is a vacation week continues, I got my new boots yesterday, my incredible over the knee boots, and today is the first day of winter! How amazing is that! New boots in time for the first day of winter. Proof of Gods love of me just continues on.
Yesterday was an amazing day spent with Elizabeth Anne, shopping, Taco Bueno, and did I mention shopping.
Then watching Love Actually with the Irishman, I love that movie, I think all fo the actors did a fantastic job in their roles. And, please, don’t gag, but I love watching with the Irishman. I think it is an incredibly romantic, funny movie and I consider it “our” holiday movie. A must to watch together.
What are some of your favorite holiday movies that you watch with your significant other? And I say holiday because it could be a New Years movie as well. I have not take Christmas out of my season.
Bad news from yesterday, I took my car to have it looked at, Jeffrey and Jeff (ex-husband i.e. car genius) tells me it is the intake manifold and the gasket seals that need replacing and it will take them a couple of days to do it. So I am carless for till Saturday. That was my bad news, the good news is, it will be fixed by people I trust.
I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!


Vacation!!! WooooHoooo! Was there ever a sweeter word invented? Today is very busy, dentist, then Bonham to see Jeffrey about car issues and Elizabeth for shopping in Sherman. Very excited to see two of my children today, and I will be see the new calf that was just born. Yes, Elizabeth Anne is the proud mommy of a new calf. She has not named her yet, oh did I mention it is a girl?
I think I have made a mistake this morning, I am drinking coffee before the dentist, oh well, will have to brush good and gargle really good with Listerine!
I am so excited, my boots have shipped that I bought on Ruelala, an amazing website that has the most amazing things at ridiculous prices. If you would like to check it out you have to be invited, consider this your invite, http://www.ruelala.com/invite/abarsi01 please feel free to go here and sign up and buy to your hearts content. Or until your pocket book screams.
Ok people I have to go get ready for my day, I hope you all have a fantastic day, and remember shot till you drop then crawl!

Famous Rapper = Nightmare

Last night I had the strangest, worst dream I have had in a long time, I dreamed we lived in a huge two story house, I know what you are thinking, no it wasn’t a cleaning nightmare. We had 7 or eight cars, I think I was a famous rapper, anyway, I heard a noise downstairs. I go down to check it out and big burly men are stealing our cars. I cannot open my mouth to scream and my legs wont work, I try to run back inside to tell the Irishman to wake up and make those men give us our cars back. One of them grabs me from behind and will not let go, I am trying to scream and nothing will come out, it is as if someone has superglued my lips together. That is when I wake up to the Irishman holding me telling me it is ok, it is only him, I can only imagine the noise I was making in order for it to wake him up. I have decided not to become a rapper and live in a huge two story house, also we will only have two to 3 cars at a time, not 7 or eight.
I am getting ready for my last day of work until next Tuesday, it is a heady feeling, this sense of freedom. I don’t know how anyone is going to put up with me at work today, I plan on being happy, over the moon happy, and maybe even chatty. We shall see.
I hope everyone has a great day, mine has started great, I have the Christmas blend Starbucks coffee that the Irishman stopped and got for me yesterday when I told him we were out of coffee. He knows I love Starbucks coffee even when I make it at home. Very thoughtful indeed, see ya in the funny papers!