Closing Out 2018

Today is New Year’s Eve 2018, as the year comes to a close I have to ask myself if I am ready for it to end. On facebook, where we all know is the litmus to humanity, everyone is like worst year ever, ready for it to end, good riddance. However, here’s the thing, always with the thing, everyone always says that about every year.

I, for one, had a fabulous 2018, sure there were pockets of non-greatness, the bout with the flu followed by food poisoning, followed by romance gone horribly wrong, but those were but glitches on the road to greatness.

I got to do three incredible things, things that were on my life bucket list, just FYI.

First was a trip to a comic-con, Wizard World in Austin, TX, with my BBFF and his GF. It was epic in nature, I do believe I can speak for the three of us when I say best time ever.

Followed closely by a lifelong dream trip to Montana, an old fashioned girls road trip. I’ll be forever grateful that my friend Shay not only said yes, but stuck to that yes and was with me on the journey.

Next up was a trip to Norman, OK for an OU Sooners football game. My friend Kristie for the win on that one, it was so much fun. I love my Sooners and they were playing her beloved Jayhawks (Kansas).

Seeing my BFF find the love of her life, then getting married to said love of her life, priceless. Seeing my BBFF find the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, priceless.

My oldest son marrying the love of his life and welcoming a life that now includes 4 more children, priceless.

Seeing another friend find her forever love of her life, priceless.

Taking part in a deliverance session, letting go of things from childhood to adulthood, priceless.

I’ve had a great 2018, I eagerly await 2019, I already have one trip on the books, a trip with my daughter. I have plans tonight, I know major shock I have plans on a New Year’s Eve night.

This is what happens when one trusts what God has planned for their life. I will make plans, I will pray to God for His continued guidance in my life, I will trust in His plan for my life.

I saw a post, once again, on Facebook, that said pick a person to pray for every single day for thirty days. Start January 1st, 2019, pray for their happiness every day. I thought, hmmm, I want to do that, but I don’t want to pray for happiness, that is fleeting, I want to pray for their soul to be at peace, for them to find great joy in their daily struggles. So I have chosen my person, I will not say who they are, I will be praying for them in a specific pinpointed way for thirty days. I will watch what happens in their life.

I think this is a good way to start 2019, oh I’ll do the usual as well, cleanse from all the bad food I’ve eaten over Christmas and clean closets, yes I have that planned. And get rid of clothes I don’t wear anymore or have never worn. So many clothes in my closet that have tags on them that have never been on my body.

I am curious, what changes has 2018 brought to your life? Was it good, was it bad, was it indifferent? Please feel free to comment here or email me at

Christmas 2018

Christmas has come and gone and this is the time we are supposed to contemplate the coming new year.

But I love Christmas and I am not ready to move on just yet. I know I’ve mentioned before that we celebrate as a family on Christmas Eve. It started with the four of us and has grown to include a growing family.

Every year I think to myself I’m going to decorate a tree just for me. I dream of a purple tree with silver decorations. But every year I get out the Christmas things and start pulling out all of the ornaments my children have made over the years. The ornaments that I purchased to commemorate their first Christmases.

Watching my adult children stand around the tree searching for their ornaments is worth the price of a non-purple tree. Watching them count to see how many they each have on there. Well there is nothing quite like it, my heart is made happy.

I have several favorite activities during the Christmas season, shopping with Elizabeth Anne is one, wrapping presents with Elicia is another. This year we made snowmen for the children. 5 of them. They turned out so stinking cute. I hope the kids liked them.

I love getting to shop for children, we now have a grand total of 5 to shop and wrap for. I love it.

I love Christmas dinner with all of us around the table. My children are all funny, smart and sarcastic. There is never a dull moment with them.

They also never disappoint in the gift area. They know me so well. I got a robe that feels like I’m wearing a cloud from Jeffrey and his wife Amanda. OU slippers from Alex and Elicia and new pajamas from Elizabeth Anne. I also got a vintage, framed Wonder Woman comic with a Wonder Woman painted on the glass. A Superman picture along with so many other things.

To say I am blessed with the children God chose to entrust me with is an understatement. Not due to the things they buy for me, but with their thoughtfulness and their generous souls.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you will have a very happy New Years.

Customer Service Gone Right and Horribly Wrong

So this past week I have had four customer service issues with 4 different companies. Two were incredible, in the sense they were greatness, two were incredible in the sense that I have never received worse customer service in my entire life. Ever.

Do I do the good or the bad first? I think I’ll go with good.

First up is Doterra, the essential oils company, I had ordered Jasmine touch oil. It is not cheap and it is amazing. I was almost out of mine so this was perfectly timed. I come home, the order is in my mailbox, I very excitedly rip open the package, this is not Jasmine I think to myself, what is this. It is lavender, I didn’t order this, and this is way cheaper than my Jasmine. I go online, look at my order, making sure it was not my mistake, it was not. I call and the woman immediately sees the issue and corrects it. Then and there, no thinking about it, no someone will get back with you. Before we were off of the phone I was getting a text with the replacement order information. Plus she said I could keep the lavender touch at no additional cost to me. Great, quick, professional.

The second was a company I cannot name yet because what I ordered is a Christmas present and I don’t want to give it away. I accidentally put the wrong zip code on my shipping address. Fat finger incident. I panic, then I take a screenshot of my order confirmation, send an email to the company and within minutes received an email that literally said, we got you. fixed. Done. You’ll get your order. What!

One of the bad customer service issues I can’t discuss. Next.

Ashley Black Fasciablaster, I know you have read about her on here. I am completely enamored with their faciablaster, I have many of their products. They are not inexpensive.

I was very excited to see their new product, a paddle blaster, it is going to bring blasting to a whole new level. I got on the wait list for the product.

On Black Friday we could order, I put my order in before I went to work that morning. I did not receive a confirmation, that was suspect, but they did charge my card. Since I have never had any issues with this company I really didn’t think twice about it. A few weeks go by, I see on Facebook many women have received theirs. So I go to the website to see if I can find any tracking information.

I put my email in and the site says they can’t find my email at all. Now mind you, I have ordered many products on this website. I was more than a little upset.

I went to contact us, I sent a message, received an automated message in return, the product will be shipped within 3 weeks of ordering. It had been well over three weeks. The missive also said to contact them via facebook. I was like um, ok, so I did and it was deleted, as I thought it would be. Next I went back to my browser history and actually found an order number. I find the order on the site and it is processing.

I found a number to call, you cannot actually speak to a human, you have to leave a message with your email address. That’s right folks, your email address.

I finally received an email from them after that message and the facebook message. It turns out it will be some mysterious date in 2019 that these will ship. And if I had questions to email this person back.

I did, I had many questions, I have not received a message back. I sent another one yesterday asking for my money back. I have given them 24 hours to respond, they have not. I will be calling my bank and filing a claim for my money back. I seriously have not had a worse experience, except for the one I cannot talk about.

That’s been my week so far, or rather couple of weeks. I hope yours is better on the customer service front than mine.

As usual any comments, questions or suggestions can be left here or sent to me at

Santa Claus

Do you ever look in the mirror and think wow God does really good work? No? Yes? Only me? Alright then.

This past weekend was jam packed, by jam packed I mean I didn’t get to sit for hours and drink coffee and watch Hallmark.

Friday was spent at the dentist, first for me, which I love, yes, I love going to the dentist. I love having my teeth cleaned and my dentist is really funny and good. So I love going to see her.

Then I took Tess to the dentist after school for her cleaning. I know she has parents, but since I am off, I volunteered to take her. That way none of her parental units have to take off work plus I get to spend time with my girl.

We had a little time before the appointment so I took her to eat at McDonald’s. I know, but it has an indoor playground and it is a treat not an everyday thing. 

Then dropping her off at her dad’s (my son) in Bonham, then back home.

Here is my real question, when did it become pitch black at 5:30in the evening? When did this happen??? Seriously. All I want to do is put my pj’s on and go to sleep.

Speaking of pj’s, I bought new ones and they feel like clouds on my legs! So soft and warm, I seriously did not want to take them off and get dressed for work. 

Yesterday I headed off to Northpark mall to see my good friend, Santa Claus! Yes, I am friends with Santa, I will post a picture to prove it. I have known him for years, he and his wife are incredibly sweet. Visiting with Santa is always a good idea right before Christmas. I have been really good this year and it has been incredibly difficult, so I think I need a good present. 

Santa is from Owasso, of course, because Owasso is a magical place. It is a place that produces Santa Claus, Wonder Women, Baseball players and so much more. American Heroes are produced there as well, I know several. 

I also got to hang with my BBFF for a little, which was lovely. 

I also bought a new front door mat which lights up and plays music, it is so obnoxious! I love it!

Well that’s it for now, as usual any comments, criticisms or suggestions can be left here or sent to


Hot Chocolate Kind of Week

The past two days have been a mixture of good, great, fun and sheer frustration.

Good because I have a friend on the mend from a medical issue. Great because I got to wear my favorite sweater dress and new favorite leggings today. Fun because we had a center wide celebration today.

I know I’ve said this a lot, but I genuinely like the people I work with. We rarely get to do anything where we can all interact. So today was a delightful treat.

Frustrating due to the fact I had a technical issue I could not resolve. It took two days and two companies to get a workable solution. The last person I spoke with, funny how that works, was empathetic, calming and nice. It was like talking to me on the phone. I really hope I get a survey on him because he was greatness.

So after that I decided to have some Abuelita hot cocoa made with almond milk. Make with bricks of chocolate not powder! Let me tell you how this came to be in my possession.

I was talking to a man at work about hot beverages and the subject of hot chocolate cane up. I said I really like the Abuelita cocoa, he said do you use the bricks? I said whhhaaatt?! So he explained how it was so much better than the powder. Then he brought me some! I told you I work with really great people.

When I first got it Sunday, I rushed home and made it. I was like OMG! What trick of the devil is this deliciousness?

Tonight, was rough on the phone, I decided I needed a treat. I made some more, this time I added whipped cream, keto friendly, a stick of cinnamon and dusted the top with cinnamon.

I’ll let you know just how amazing it was after I come out of my taste coma.

My Soulmate

I met my soulmate a long time ago, It was with that first glance, that first meeting, that first sip. When that first cup was poured, when I took that first sip, the warm liquid washed over my tastebuds in an explosion of flavor. Sliding down my throat and the elixir of life awakening all of my senses. Nerve endings tingling, coffee made its presence known.

Doesn’t everyone have that experience when they drink coffee? My whole being comes alive, the very essence of life is in that coffee cup.

Caffeine has no effect on me, except to give me life, I can drink coffee all day long then sleep hard and deep. It’s amazing what coffee can do for you.

It is God’s gift to man, so much power in that little coffee bean.

I love coffee in all forms, except black, I cannot so straight black coffee. Since it is winter peppermint mocha is my flavor.

I do a keto friendly version, Lily’s chocolate, peppermint essential oil, heavy whipping cream and coffee and a little truvia. Soooooooo good and life affirming.

As usual any comments or questions can be left here or sent to

Candy Man

So I made a mistake. I know, huge surprise. I made the mistake of saying something tongue in cheek on Facebook and some took it seriously.

I said I’d marry the man who makes me candy. You see I have been seeing all of these videos. Recipe videos. Videos of delicious candy, I love candy. I can’t eat it, but I love it. In a moment of weakness I said I would marry the man who could make those delicious recipes.

Then came the inappropriate response and private messages letting me know who could make me candy. Or bring me candy or really anything sweet.

I’ve made this mistake in the past, not on Facebook. Before the advent of Facebook. I said I would marry the man who brought me my favorite flower and my favorite chocolates. Then one day one did, I slammed the door in his face. Then I broke up with him. Immediately.

Ask yourself one question. Are you Dean Cain? If the answer is no, keep moving, if the answer is yes then I’d faint.

I honestly don’t know if I will ever be ready to get married again. I’m not very trusting, I haven’t seen a lot in the world to trust. Plus I’m holding out hopes for Dean.

After my experiences in the dating world I’d rather be single and hope for my dream man. So no I really won’t marry the man who makes me candy. Unless you’re Dean Cain.

As usual any and all comments can be left here or sent to me at

The Wonderfulness of 2018

It’s that time of year again, the closing out of a year, the posts saying how the year has been bad and people can’t wait for the new year. I have been one of those in the past, couldn’t get out a year fast enough.

I have to tell you, this is not the year, 2018 has been so much fun, I want to see what 2019 brings, but I have genuinely enjoyed this year.

Both of my best friends found love, romantic love, I feel like I gained a new friend, a good friend. I have gone places I have never been, went to see my beloved OU Sooners play with a good friend.

I’ve had a fun filled year, I went through a deliverance session with a good friend. A trusted friend, it was freeing, I felt such release from demons of the past.

I have laughed more, talked more, engaged more, this year than ever before.

I know it has been tough on some people, loved ones were lost, relationships ended, things were lost. But one thing is certain, God is still the ruler of the heavens and as long as there are men and women willing to step up and do the right thing life goes on.

My heart has broken for some, it has soared for others, all in all 2018 has been a good year and 2019 is shaping up to be spectacular as well.

Spectacular doesn’t have to mean fireworks every day, it can be something as simple as meeting an actress that played your favorite character in two of your favorite Joss Whedon shows.

Spectacular can be finding that certain person who embraces your geekiness and joins you in the madness. Spectacular can be in the form of spending time with ones grandchildren, gaining new people in your family.

I truly hope everyone who did not have a great year finds peace, joy and your struggles lessen.

As for me I will enjoy the rest of this year and look forward to more adventures in 2019.

As usual any and all comments can be left here or sent to me at