Day 3 Wizard World Austin, TX

We are on Day Three of the now infamous Wizard World adventure. It was an easy morning, waking whenever I awoke, no alarm clock, which is the absolute best way to wake up.

We head over to the Austin Convention Center, no dressing up, besides geek t-shirts, with the exception of BBFF’s GF who went for a run. I know, I should have joined her, but I wanted to explore and see if anyone new showed up.

They did not, however it was fun seeing all of the things for sale and talking to everyone. BBFF did get the autographs of some anime people he wanted. I don’t know who they were, I am not a huge anime watcher.

We did see Danny Trejo just casually walking around with his wife, looking at all of the vendors. You could tell he was not doing it for the attention, there was another actor there that was wanting attention. I shall not say his name, but he was charming in the role that made him famous. There is your hint for the day.

GF caught up with us, we walked around for a bit more, decided to go for food, then drive home.

The drive home was so much fun, we played Backstreet Boys songs, ok that was me and GF. BBFF had a particularly pained look on his face while we were belting out such classics as Quit Playing Games with My Heart. So. Much. Fun.

The conversation never lagged and there was much laughter.

Next up, leaving today for Montana, so excited for that, I have my hiking boots ready, sweaters and thick socks. So excited for this trip, another thing to mark off of my list, going to a Nerd Fest as it were, was one. I seriously cannot believe I get to mark off two things on my list in the same month. Well, two months, but a week apart. So there you have it, all three days of our Wizard World experience, I fell in love with Austin and had the best time with BBFF and his GF.

BBFF, you can stop reading now…. I’ll wait……

Ok, for the rest of you, his GF is the real deal, I have never met someone so suited to another person. It has been great fun and better yet, amazing to watch my BBFF bedazzled and beguiled (it is almost October) by someone so incredible.

Austin, TX Wizard World Day 2

Moving on to day 2 of an epic adventure in Austin, TX at Wizard World. This is the day of dressing as you aren’t, or maybe as you are, I’ll never tell. BBFF was Han Solo, of course, his GF had two costume changes, first up Rey, from of course Star Wars, just in case you don’t know and I was general Leia. Because I am older and not a princess, we all know how I feel about that.

BBFF’s costume was so well done that he garnered a ton of attention, he especially caught the attention of the 501st Legion. If you do not know who they are, totally worth a google search. To say them noticing his attention to detail was huge, they are extremely picky about detail to Star Wars costumes.

I was going to meet Charisma Carpenter later so I wanted to do a costume change. No way was I meeting her in a Star Wars costume, I wanted to have my picture taken with her while wearing a Joss Whedon shirt. Which is appropriate since she was Cordelia Chase in both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. So back to the hotel, I did a quick change and BBFF’s GF did a costume change. I don’t know if I am really allowed to talk about her costume, so I won’t until she says it’s ok. Just know it was amazing, she looked great and pulled it off with style and grace.

Finally, I get to meet a person who portrayed a character that I loved and who’s influence helped me get through a lot of difficult times.

I have several pieces of Buffy and Angel memorabilia, so I brought my Cordy action figure, the one where she is the Princess of Pylea. Still in its original packaging I might add, I do believe I had the most original thing for her to sign.

I did not lose it, I was very proud of myself, not once did I overly gush, not once did I stammer, stutter or make a complete fool of myself. As for Charisma, she was so nice and sweet and gracious, she signed my action figure and took a selfie with me.

Then we walked around taking in all of the sights and sounds. No Dean Cain, it was incredibly disappointing on that front, but that is the only disappointment.

As we were walking around we stopped at a vendor that sold photos of celebrities that were signed. GF asked if they had one of Dean Cain and he said they had one left. He brought it out, it was Dean in the iconic Superman suit. I think I passed out, because the next thing I know GF is purchasing it as a gift for me. I was completely shocked and blown away by her kindness and generosity. I have told BBFF he can never let go of her, not for buying me Dean Cain, but because she is seriously one of the best people I have met in a long time. To top it off, she is fun, I don’t think I have laughed as much as we did this past weekend.

Also, BBFF met Alex Kingston, if you don’t know who she is, please google her, don’t make me explain.

Day two was topped off with dinner in the hotel and bedtime way later than my usual Saturdays. So worth the staying up! Who knew fun happened that late at night!

I will include photos of my Cordelia action figure and my Dean picture on this post.

I hope you all are having a great week, day three will be coming up soon.

Wizard World Austin, TX Day 1

I have so many thoughts tumbling through my mind, as you know this past weekend was the big one. The one in Austin, TX attending Wizard World, seeing people I honestly never thought I would meet.

Where to begin, this is the question, I do believe I will begin at the begun.

It started Friday morning, I met BBFF at the building I work in, I parked in the garage, this location was very convenient for the both of us.

We drove down to Austin, a place I have said in the past that I would never visit. Before any of you think it has to do with OU, it doesn’t, I will not be saying why, just know it has nothing to do with football rivalry. I believe that to be good old fashioned fun and not filled with vitriol.

When BBFF and his GF presented me with the plans for the trip I admit I was a little apprehensive. But there was no way I was going to miss this trip, the three of us having a geeky, nerdy good time. I put my apprehensions regarding the city aside.

I am so happy I did, I fell in love with the part of the city I saw, I walked from the hotel to CVS, twice and Starbucks once. I thoroughly enjoyed my walks and the people were incredibly nice. I now want to go back and explore more of the city.

Friday evening was meet the Doctors and a companion, then a party in a toy museum.

First up, the Doctors, we chose to meet David Tennant first, for those of you not familiar, he is the 10th Doctor and arguably the best. Of course that opinion is subjective, we all have our favorites, I do believe Tom Baker is mine. He was my first Doctor after all, I’ve been watching Dr. Who for as long as I can remember. I was so happy when they brought it back. Mr. Tennant was engaging and kind and funny, he signed my Sonic Screwdriver/spork with flare and a sense of humor. Next was Peter Capaldi, the twelfth Doctor, I loved his portrayal as well. He also was very kind, warm and engaging. Then we met Pearl Mackie, she was a companion to the Doctor. She also very sweet and fun and funny, I really enjoyed meeting all of them.

The three of us then took photos with the three of them! How cool is that! We have pictures with two Doctor Who’s!!! An absolutely amazing experience, never to be repeated, one never forgets the first Doctor they meet in person and to meet two of them, mind blowing.

After all of that, to top things off, we went to a VIP party in a toy museum. It was so very cool, we all saw toys from our childhood, it was so surreal yet very real. I loved the Super Friends things and the Star Wars, Star Trek, I have never been happier to be a geeky nerd in my entire life.

We went to the karaoke portion, I did not sing, BBFF and his GF did and they were fantastic!

We met the man who drew Super Friends in the 1970’s, I wish I could remember his name, I cannot. BBFF’s GF asked him is he knew Dean Cain. He said yes I do! She said this is his wife, and pointed to me, the look on his face was priceless! He was so confused, I wonder if he will go back to Dean and say I met a crazy woman that says she’s your wife. I feel that restraining order getting closer and closer.

That brings a close to day 1, day 2 will be forthcoming, the search for Dean Cain continues.

My Unpopular Opinions

My favorite radio show, Kidd Kraddick in the Morning, has a segment called “What’s your unpopular opinion.” Well I have a few, so buckle up, it’s about to get bumpy.

1. Gravy, it is the singularly most disgusting thing in the world. I am literally gagging just writing the word. I have hated it since childhood and continue to do so. That whole, your taste buds change, it’s a myth, told to us by parents trying to get us to try new things.

B. Oatmeal, it is right up there with gravy for me. Except in cookies, then it rocks. Of course now that I am doing a strict Keto diet I can no longer have said cookies.

III. Pico- once again, just nasty, but I do like salsa.

4. Mayonnaise and ketchup, both are unsettling and unnatural. Just gaggingly disgusting. One of my favorite movies has a scene that has mayonnaise in it. I have to cover my eyes every time. Every. Time. To make matters worse, I can hear the mayonnaise being globed onto a sandwich. So I hum as well as closing my eyes. So incredibly gross.

These are it with food. I’ll stop for now, but those are my unpopular opinions when it comes to food products. I would love to hear your unpopular opinions.

Catervisary and Joy

It’s my cativersary with Fat Catstard, who knew there was such a thing. Well, I did, because I just made it up. So there ya go, Angie making days up just to justify my celebrating with copious amounts of coffee. Fat Catstard will not be having any coffee today, he doesn’t need it.

Our relationship is tumultuous at best, it didn’t start that way, he came to me a fat, happy cat. I put him on a diet and he became surly and vindictive. Waking me in the middle of the night, sitting on my chest, trying to smother me, looking at my face like it is a chicken treat.

But I love him so much that sometimes I just want to Lenny him, he tolerates my existence as his food giver. Possible snack if I die in my sleep, or just pass out, which is why I don’t drink, no one wants to wake up from passing out to half a face left. I kid, there are many reasons I don’t drink much, sometimes I will indulge in an adult beverage treat. Not often, but sometimes a nice margarita is in order, or vodka, as it has no carbs.

Right now I sit here drinking my bullet proof coffee, contemplating life as I know it. It is a good life, I have zero complaints. Ok, you got me, one, I would really like it if Dean Cain just showed up at my doorstep, it would make my quasi-stalking him so much easier. I am incredibly lazy and I just stalk him on twitter, so there you have it, my Achilles heel if you will.

Ok, so, BBFF sent out the itinerary for next weekend, I became at once exhilarated and exhausted reading it. I seriously cannot wait to see what we all came up with for our Star Wars costumes, this will be epic. Why yes, grown adults dressing up and having a great time, I foresee a lot of laughter this weekend. And awe and shock and greatness. I will be Instagramming live a lot, so if you don’t follow me there you will want to, just to see all the fun.

I have been trying a new product, I mentioned it in passing a few days ago, or was it last week, I forget. But it is Cellis coffee and their supplement Fuse, the “coffee” doesn’t taste like my coffee, but it is good and the Fuse gives you an amazing kick. I am telling you I have never taken anything in supplement form that has given me that much energy and focus. Now I will tell you that there are a lot of health claims made by this company, however, I am the wrong person to try those out on. I have no health problems except so much weight that needs to come off, like a gazillion pounds. I have not noticed a huge difference in that area, but in that companies defense I do a lot of things. I follow a Keto diet, I exercise, I fascia blast and do their coffee and supplement. So I am not a good litmus for that particular claim. I will tell you I forgot to take the Fuse on Wednesday and I was lagging all day, I didn’t know I forgot until I got home and saw the pill sitting by the Nespresso. Which is what I use to make my “coffee” in the mornings, so I know it is not a placebo effect. My friend is a distributor, anyone interested in trying it, let me know and I will connect you to her.

On a different topic, I am once again rolling my eyes at all of the Facebook (always Facebook) posts proclaiming just do what makes you happy. Seriously! Stop! Do what makes your soul joyous, don’t get me wrong, happy is a good thing, however, one simply does not do everything that makes one happy. Example, if I did what makes me happy I would quit my job and stalk Dean Cain full time, I mean not stalk, um, read, yes that’s it, read Dean Cain’s twitter feed full time. If I did what makes me happy I would stuff my face full of puffy Cheetos and diet coke and read books 24/7. I would also eat nothing but chocolate and watch old episodes of Lois and Clark. So doing what makes me happy is not necessarily good for me. Find your souls joy, search for that, and some seriously need to find Jesus. That is no joke, He can give you great joy and peace. I have that joy and peace and I wouldn’t give it up for anything, not puffy Cheetos, not diet coke, not for all of the chocolate in the world. The chaos of the world will seem insignificant in comparison. Oh and get some friends as good as the ones I have.

BFF met Johnny Lee this week and he knows Dean Cain, one step closer people.

I feel better having gotten all of that out, everyone have a great day, a good weekend and may you discover great joy in your life. As usual any comments or question can be left here or sent to me at

Differing Opinions Not Wanted Here

Lately, well, not lately, it’s been happening since I have been on facebook, people post things like if you don’t agree with what I post don’t comment. I can understand that, no one wants differing opinions, what kind of crazy world would that be, someone who doesn’t think like me! Madness!

Well, here’s mine, if you have negative things to say about snow and cold weather, please move on. Say it on your page, I promise you I will not say a word on your negative post. As for my positive snow and cold weather post, move on, I don’t want to hear your negativity, unless said in a playful, teasing manner. I have friends who tease me about my love of winter, they do it in good fun and do it well. To those, this is not directed at you.

This is to the ones who feel the need to be incredibly belligerent and ugly about it, and they are people that don’t really know me. Today I had one who just wouldn’t let it go, so, me being me, I just eviscerated her in a nice way. I thought it was nice, it was nice for me, ok. Well she told me to f off, her words, not mine, unfriended me and blocked me. Well that taught me, you know what it taught me, I’m going to tell you. It taught me if I am honest and speak my mind on my own page then the right people will be offended and leave.

I find I am not suffering fools lately, it is probably my job that is making me like this. The phone calls of people that really don’t understand what they have in their own homes is astounding. Tech support is not for the faint of heart. I have incredibly stressful days, I need my dream of snow, and Dean Cain. Those are really the only two things I have left, those dreams, everything else has gone by the wayside.

My dream of remaining skinny while eating nothing but puffy Cheetos and swigging diet coke is a thing of the past. I also found eating nothing but a diet of sugar is a no go as well. I have given up so much, I can‘t give up snow and Dean, I shan’t. I don’t care how inane it makes me, I’m holding out hope for both!

I feel better, thank you for listening to my rant, it is a mini one tonight but one I needed to get out of my system.

As usual any comments or questions can be sent to angie@angieworld, or left here.

My Friends are Way Better Than Yours

I’m just going to say the thing that you’re not supposed to say, my friends are way better than everyone else’s. In the universe.

That is a sweeping statement, an incendiary one at that, one I am sure people will take umbrage with.

I shall make my case: I received a phone call from BBFF Thursday night telling me that David Tennant, the 10th Doctor, will be at Wizard World!!!! David Tennant people! Arguably one of the best Doctor’s, and we get to meet him!! I have to tell you he has the best GF in the universe. I can hardly wait for our adventure!

I called Elizabeth Anne, who did the daughterly thing, she yelled and screamed like she knew who I was talking about. I appreciated her efforts.

My friends are way better than everyone else’s. I don’t even think it is arguable at this point. Oh and I have another friend who has a friend that is currently looking for Dean lookalikes while he is doing drills. A man in uniform that looks like Dean Cain? Yes please.

So on that note, I shall take my leave of you all. Any comments or questions or Dean lookalikes can be left here or sent to me at

Corrections and New Products

Is it acceptable to correct spelling and grammar mistakes on Facebook? Of course the human answer is no, it is not acceptable, but the scholarly answer is shouldn’t it be acceptable? Do people really want to go around ignorant to their poor spelling and grammar skills? Shouldn’t they want to know? I want to know if I make a mistake (thank you Elizabeth Anne), I have friends and family who let me know when I make a mistake so I can correct it.

however, the non-logical side of me recognizes not everyone appreciates being corrected, especially in a public forum. So I bite my tongue, or fingers as it were, and allow the ignorance to run rampant on social media.

That felt good, ok, I’m done with that topic, on to other things.

I have a few things I am trying out, one of them being a different cup of coffee. The product is called Cellis, I decided to try a three day free trial. It was a cup of coffee and something called fuse. When I tell you the results were so amazing after three days I had to order a month’s worth of the stuff. It gives energy that lasts all day and it is the kind of energy I love, kinetic energy, one where I am slightly bouncy. I literally want to walk into a room full of people and loudly proclaim it bounce day! Bounce with me people!

I cannot wait to see how much energy it gives me for Wizard World, I’d like to apologize up front for my peppiness to BBFF and his GF. I’d like to, but I am sure many live videos will be incredibly entertaining. So I shan’t.

Back to the product, it is supposed to promote health and weight loss as well, I read some testimonials and people have said they make bullet proof coffee with it. I have done the same and it is very good, I will report back in a month to let you know if it helped with the weight loss. Keto is helping a lot, I know I am looking better, I have now gotten into two pairs of jeans I was unable to wear previously, so yay me.

Wizard World is quickly approaching and Dr Who madness has taken over, as has Star Wars mania. I shall be dressing up as General Leia from The Force Awakens. I do believe all three of us are going as characters from that movie, very exciting stuff. If you are not following me on Instagram, I suggest you go over and do so. @angieb_64, that is my Instagram name, so many fun videos and photos will be posted.

After that will be the trip to Montana! Incredibly excited for that as well, a true road trip and girl trip. All in one! We have a special instagram account for that and I will tell you about that when the time gets closer.

As for me, well today is Tess day and she is spending the night, since I will not be able to get her the next two times I usually would, I thought a sleepover was in order.

I hope you all have a great weekend, if you have any comments, questions, corrections or criticisms you can leave them here or contact me at

Two Rants for the Price of One

I have a couple of things today, I find I am incredibly irritated. First off, people on the highway, find your gas pedal! I found myself completely astounded at the way people drive, and every single time this weekend it was a Chevy vehicle. So, Chevy drivers, this is for you.

It seems you are very capable of finding that brake pedal, but the gas pedal completely confounds you. Perhaps if you switched to a Ford, that would help you. Or maybe driving lessons, whatever the holdup is, I need you to fix it, or move out of my way. And while we are discussing driving, why on earth are there so many police cars on the road today? I seriously don’t even know what the speed limit is, I had to find a sign, and yes, I slowed down. No, I did not get pulled over, thank goodness I still have my looks and they find me charming if I do get pulled over. I digress, I need everyone to just move out of my way and allow me to speedily get to my destination. In this case it was work, wait, maybe I didn’t want to get there. Oh maybe it was the universe telling me to check my lotto tickets. Oh wait, I didn’t buy any and I don’t believe in the whole universe thing.

1st rant over, on to the second one of the day. If you know me for more than five minutes you know I am a huge OU fan. OU being University of Oklahoma, I was born at OU hospital, literally, my grandfather was a fan, my dad was a fan. In fact that is how my dad and I bonded, over OU games. Having said that, do not come on my Facebook and try and “school” me on OU football, at all. You know how some people say if your opinion is different than mine regarding political issues, even if they are wrong, they don’t want you to correct them or debate them or anything else. Well, that is the way I am about OU football, or anything having to do with OU. Just don’t. Some fool came on my post regarding the OU win to try and correct me and my BBFF. I was like whaaaatt! Who are you???? Gone, deleted and blocked, I have to admit I didn’t really know this person anyway, so no big loss, just don’t do that to me. I don’t go on other people’s posts and try and correct them or lay down some knowledge on them. If I wanted to be corrected I would ask for it, I would say please correct me if I’m wrong, or someone educate me, please. I did neither, please move along, oh wait, I moved you along.

There two rants for the price of one, on a side note, BBFF’s GF’s uncle played for OU. Huge bonus points for that one.

I was very happy that OU won their season opener, I did not recognize the school. I happened to be at a birthday party at a bowling alley and saw the game being broadcast. I said to my friend Gladys, who is that school?? I have never even heard of them, it was a Florida school, that even now I can’t remember their name. But Gladys said oh here’s my friend who is from Florida, I wish I could remember her name, she was very nice. She said oh yes, they are well known in Florida and was actually undefeated last season and now the old coach from UM is there. I wanted to ask what UM is, University of Michigan? University of Missouri? Who knows, but anyway, she said it was a huge honor for them to even be on the field with the top ranked OU and it didn’t even matter that they lost.

So there you have my football talk for the month, I promise. Any comments or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at