Micro Needling and Other Stuff

As you know I love beauty treatments, I will try anything once, a lot if I like it and see results. So, when this popped up on my radar I was instantly curious. Micro-needling, have you heard of it? I hadn’t, so I did some research and decided to give it a go, what can go wrong with needles all over your face?

To Amazon I went, I found a micro needler and ordered the one with the most reviews and the best reviews. What could go wrong with rolling needles all over ones face? It arrived, I read up on it further, people are saying it hurts, but what is beauty without pain.

I eagerly read the instructions, a first for me, I usually just dive head first and pay the price later. But, you know, needles. I cleaned my face really well, not only cleansing, but also with a toner for good measure, people had discussed infections. Oh Lord what did I get myself into?

I trudged on, I cleaned the micro needler with alcohol and began rolling the needles on my face.

It stung, it didn’t hurt and I didn’t bleed like some people said they had. I followed up with vitamin C serum, I liked it, I actually saw results after a few times. The lines around my eyes are lessening, and my skin feels tighter. What the micro needling is supposed to do is kickstart your collagen production. I’ll let you know in a month if it is really working or it was a placebo effect, or swelling from the needles.

Now, for the lead, which I buried, because I know my friends and family don’t really read me, but if I lead with this they might.

I go to work on Monday and find something incredibly ugly waiting for me. MOT, Mandatory Overtime, I don’t enjoy overtime, I avoid it like the plague. My third level manager was walking past me, as he does most days and most days I smile and greet him. That morning, not so much, I said Jason, I am not happy. He said oh no, why! I said MOT. He said he was trying to get that rescinded, I said if he could do that he would be my favorite Jason. Here is where it gets a little tricky, I have a favorite Jason, my second cousin as a matter of fact. But since has no control over my overtime situation I was more than willing to kick his favoritism to the curb and give it to bossman Jason. He said ok, I’m holding you to that. An hour later I see an email in my inbox, MOT has been rescinded! A little while after that BMJ (Bossman Jason) walks past my desk and hands me an envelope with a note in it. I shall tell you what the note said, sans last names:

The “Other” Jason –

You are not respectfully bumped to the #2 position of “Jason’s” on Angie’s list.


#1 Jason

Best note ever! Gotta love a boss (even if they are three steps removed) who has a sense of humor.

I’m so sorry cousin Jason, I love you dearly, but no MOT! That’s huge!

MOT was done away with and I got to come home to a Fat Cat and a Husky Dog. Not a bad life.

As usual any questions, comments or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

Lose, Lost, Loose, Losing, Loosen Rant

I am highly agitated, I have been for years regarding this one issue. One. It is something I can’t fix as it is not my problem. This is going to cost me a few friendships I fear, trudge on I shall.

Here it is straight from Miriam Webster:

“Many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader. (The past tense is lost. I lost my keys yesterday.) loose (“loose” = a harder “suh” sound) is normally an adjective, meaning baggy, not tight.

Loosing is not correct when saying, for example: I am loosing weight, it should be I am losing weight. Please stop. I just need everyone to stop saying that or typing it.

I see it everywhere on Facebook, instagram and Twitter. Even in articles, does grammar and English classes not exist anymore? I’m so confused because people older than I are doing this as well.

Stop it! Please! I beg you for my sanity. I saw it again just this morning in a weight loss forum.

I feel so much better having gotten that out of my system. I leave you with this: lose, lost, loose, losing, loosen. I am going to lose weight, I am losing weight, loosen my belt I’ll need to after my binge in Florida. I feel as loose as a goose after having unloaded my burden.


This is a spoiler alert, my thoughts on Captain Marvel. I’ve heard varying opinions regarding this entry in the Marvel Universe.

Some were thrilled, some were meh, some were disappointed. As you know, I am a comic book fan, I have been since I was a kid. I remember getting my first one at the age of 4, it was Superman, I went on to the Fantastic 4, Wonder Woman, Batman, X-Men and beyond.

Through comic books I’ve traveled to Wakanda, Themyscira, Gotham, Smallville and Metropolis. I’ve flown the skies with Superman, written news stories with Lois Lane, I say all of this to let you know I am not a flyby fan. See what I did there?

I liked this movie, I liked how they portrayed Carol Danvers, I liked this origin story.

Once again, we have an actress that looks like she is having fun playing a hero. Much like Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel is fun to watch.

I can’t wait to watch her in Endgame, as you know I’m not a huge fan of the whole girl power anthem. I’m all about people power, I believe this movie had all of the power equally dispersed.

Yes, Carol Danvers has a lot of power and she does save the day, she doesn’t do it alone. She even has a cat helping her, sorry, not a cat, a Flerken.

That actually answered a lot of questions within my own household. Fat Catstard is not a mere cat, he is a Flerken. He has to be, he’s not an average cat.

I am endorsing this movie, it is a fine entry in the Marvel family. And if you can watch the opening credits without getting misty, well, you are a stronger person than I.

As usual, any comments, questions or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com.

Final Florida Adventure

As I continued to eat my way through Florida we went to Universal Studios. It was a choice between Disney World or Universal, since Elizabeth Anne and I had both been to Disney we chose Universal. She is a huge Harry Potter fan and I have read all of the books. So off we went.

It was so much fun, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was a blast. Elizabeth Anne was literally like a kid in a candy shop. We rode the rides, ate the food and had the butter beer.

As our plane landed back in Dallas I realized I had in fact ate my way through Florida. I have paid a heavy price (pun not intended), a cleanse was in order. Detoxing is hard, I have been drinking a concoction of apple cider vinegar, grapefruit oil and water.

I regret nothing. I’d do it all over again, it was a much needed getaway from everything. Even dieting.

I have come to certain conclusions, I think I need to live 6 months in Florida and 6 months in Montana. In reality I’ll never live anywhere other than Texas. In all honesty I can’t leave my children and granddaughter. I love them all so much, the thought that they couldn’t just pop in whenever or that I couldn’t pick up Tess from school is not a pleasant one. So Texas it is, however, traveling to those states for further visits is definitely on the table.

I so need to go back to Orlando and visit Disney for the new Star Wars rides. Perhaps stay in the Star Wars hotel is in order.

International People Day

I thought I would take a detour from chronicling the Florida adventure, yesterday was International Women’s Day, I have some thoughts on that.

I am all for celebrating women, sisterhood, girl power or whatever you would like to call it. The women who have shaped my life are nothing short of amazing, from my grandmother to my mother, aunts, cousins, close family friends and my friends.

I have to wonder why we don’t see the same posts on International Men’s Day. Does anyone know when that is without googling it? I didn’t. I had to google it, let’s face it, in today’s society men are getting a bad rap.

Men are all painted with the same brush, if they are too masculine they are processed under toxic masculinity. Metro-sexual? Too girly, not tough enough, they really can’t win. Too nerdy? Too brainy? They are loners and labeled losers.

It is a sad society we live in when all people are not celebrated. Men and women and all of our glorious differences.

I have both a daughter and two sons, I celebrate all of their differences. I have sons who work in very masculine fields, the automotive industry, they are very much men. Yet they have a nerdy side, an intellectual side and nurturing side. They are well-rounded, but from an outsider looking in, they are filled with “toxic” masculinity.

I seriously hate that term, I, for one, like men who hunt, work with their hands and who can also talk about Star Wars, Star Trek, comic book heroes and mythology.

The most important thing for a man or woman to be is themselves. Who God made them to be, whether that is a geek, nerd, mechanic, doctor, lawyer, landscapers, CEO, whatever they become in their chosen careers, celebrate them.

Look at a person’s soul, their innate goodness, their belief in God. That is what we should be celebrating, we should be together on this earth, not working against each other. Not marching against each other, not throwing barbs at each other, embrace our differences.

I would suggest this one thing, this week, have a conversation with someone you think you have nothing in common with. I do believe you will find you have more in common than in difference.

If you are a white-collar worker, find a blue-collar one, shake their hand, thank your mechanic for keeping your car running. Thank your plumber for keeping your pipes working. Thank your tech support person for keeping your network networking.

We all are valuable in the greater good of society, stop pretending certain work is more valuable than others. If we all coalesced and worked together how much better would we all be.

Any questions, comments or criticisms can be left here or sent to me at angie@angieworld.com. Oh and if they are mean-spirited or insulting, please remember this is Angie World and I do have the final say on what is published here. It is a monarchy, not a democracy or constitutional republic.

Florida Adventure Part II

And now for the rest of the story. Saturday was the reason for the visit to Florida. The wedding.

This wedding was amazing, the bride is the daughter of very dear friends of mine. We have been friends for 30 years. Being able to see their only daughter get married was an honor. I was incredibly humbled to have received the invitation. Elizabeth Anne and I were looking forward to this event and we were not disappointed.

The bride was absolutely glowing, the groom was beaming, it was perfect. I do have to say one of my favorite parts of the evening was the father of the brides speech. It was poignant, sweet and just when the tears were gathering, funny.

The bride is the only daughter with 4 brothers, I cannot imagine the bravery of the groom. He has to be someone special to wade into that, not only did he wade, he swam and has flourished. Watching them all this weekend I know without a doubt the queen has indeed met her king. I foresee a lifetime of great joy.

The next day the festivities continued at the home of my friends. Elizabeth and I stayed twelve hours. I’m pretty sure they thought we were just going to move in. It was a difficult decision, but eventually we made our way back to the hotel.

Monday was Universal Studios, we had originally thought Disney, but Elizabeth Anne is a huge Harry Potter fan and wanted to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. So off we went, the next adventure in our Florida stay.

Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Florida Adventures

The Florida adventure has begun! I have to say I am a little prejudiced, Florida is one my favorite states. It has been since my first visit in 1988. Every time I come here I am in complete awe of the beauty of the state. It has charm, quirkinesses and perfect weather, at least perfect weather in March.

I am, self-admittedly a cold weather girl, I always have been, but there is something about palm trees with a balmy breeze that draws me in.

We started with an early flight, taking off at 6am, central time. That meant leaving my house by 3:30 am at the latest. So Stormie went to her home away from home the night before. Thank goodness for Sassy Tails pet sittings flexibility.

The flight was booked solid, every seat taken. No drama, no on kicked off, Southwest was great.

My travel companion, Elizabeth Anne, is the perfect travel buddy. She is funny, even with traffic frustrations and a good navigator.

We get to Orlando, get our rental car and off we go. We dropped our luggage off at the hotel then on to Tampa to visit with her Granpa Reno and Granma Mike (not spelled incorrectly, that is how my children say those words). And why yes, I did say I went with her to civet my ex-in-laws, I genuinely love them. They are the grandparents of my children and I think they are pretty terrific people.

We get to the area they live and it is just delightful. Quirky, beautiful and peaceful, I can totally see why they chose to live there in the winter months. They very generously took us to lunch. Great conversation, laughter and awesome food. Florida is the place for amazing seafood.

We left them in what we thought was plenty of time to get back to our hotel, freshen up and make it to a wedding festivity, we did not, what should have taken us 2 hours took over 4. I seriously have never seen anything like it. That pry was no bueno, but we persevered. We made it back to our hotel and crashed for the night.

Tonight is the whole reason for our sojourn, wedding time! Very excited. Can not wait to see my friends daughter walk down the aisle and marry the love of her life. This is one of my favorite families and I am so happy they invited us to share in this day.

We are here until Tuesday. So many more adventures to be had in that time. More later. I am going to finish my coffee and go back to the hotel. Which is seriously beautiful. I highly recommend the Waldorf Astoria to anyone who is coming to Orlando.