
I need to have a little rant on here. There is something I hate so very much and almost every single man that approaches me on this dating app does it.

Tell me about yourself.


What does that even mean? You’re a complete stranger. Whatever happened to conversation? Asking questions? Why not start with something simple, favorite color, favorite beverage. What happened to simple conversation? Getting to know a person over time.

Why on earth would I have verbal diarrhea with you when I don’t know you. Some fool said tell me your hopes and dreams. Does that work? Are men getting women to go with them with that line? It’s a horrible line!

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good line, these are not good lines.

Here we go, I’ll tell you about myself, buckle up.

I love sci-fi, I love action movies, romantic comedies, comic books and history. I love Jesus, I still have a hard time grasping how much God loves us to send His son for our sins.

I love my children and grandchildren, I love my Fat Catstard and Husky, we are cohabitants. They do none of the housework, lazy creatures.

I digress, if you are one of those men saying things like tell me about yourself, stop it, it’s inane. I find it irritating and I will block you. Ok it doesn’t take much for me to block, but still, ask something specific, not a broad brush stroke.

Ok, I think I’m done.

Memorial Day 2019

This is the day we celebrate those that gave their lives so we could have our lives. Yes, I said celebrate, we mourn, then we celebrate lives well lived. When an individual signs up for military duty they are giving their lives and those lives are well lived.

There has been a member of my family in one of the branches of military since 1774. I am proud to say that, I am proud of all of them.

During WWII all of my uncles enlisted, all 5 of them, I cannot imagine what went through my grandma and grandpa’s minds. Their hearts must have been leaping into their throats every single time they heard a news report.

All 5 of them came home, I have never really sat and thought of the ramifications of that happening. How incredibly blessed they were that all 5 of their sons came home.

One did pass later from a brain tumor that we are pretty sure he got while in the war. Chemical warfare is a real thing, and there are consequences of that.

But all 5 came home, J.H., Walter, Albert, Wayne and Laverne, my uncle Laverne passed before I was born so I never got to meet him.

I was raised on a steady diet of patriotism and giving back to a country that gave our family so much.

My grandfather talked about General Washington so much that I didn’t learn he was our first President until I was in kindergarten.

I learned of my family’s sacrifices over the years to this amazing country that I get to live in from my dad and my grandfather. I learned of heroism, sacrifice and yes, blessings, to this family.

On this day, especially, I am proud to be an American, I am proud of all of the men and women who sacrificed the ultimate price so we could enjoy our freedoms here at home.

The freedom to say what we want, when we want, not freedom from consequences, but freedom not to be killed over our beliefs. Freedom to Worship God and say the name of Jesus without fear of beheadings. Freedom to marry who we want, freedom to divorce if they turn out to be not so nice. Freedom to raise our children, to teach them the sacrifices of our forefathers.

So, on this Memorial Day I leave you with this thought, pray for the families who have sacrificed their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, husbands, wives and lovers so we can enjoy the bounty of our country. The United States of America.

So Much No

I don’t know where to start, so much is making me scratch my head, to say I’m perplexed is an understatement.

Shay has accused me of being a dude with breasts, so be it. But I have to tell you if women are falling for some of these things then my gender is in trouble.

First off if you have on your profile that you like to give massages and touch is important I am literally gagging.

God bless the honest men out there, one said if you go to church don’t choose him. People who go to church freak him out. Ok. Next. One said give me your phone number after one sentence. Ok. Next.

One said let’s meet after exchanging a few pleasantries, he has a dog named Wookie. He’s in the running. We’ll see.

Also, it’s obvious when pictures are old. I don’t want to see you when you were in high school. That’s a picture you share when you’ve been dating awhile. See what I used to look like. Fun stuff.

The whole don’t swipe right on me if you voted for fill in the blank. I’ll swipe left on those all day long, it doesn’t matter who is in the blank. If you are basing your dating life by the voting booth I can’t even relate.

And the UT people! Why are you swiping right on me??? In two of my pictures I have OU gear in! It’s a hard pass for me. October would be a mess. I can’t even.

I’m still on there. I haven’t met anyone as of yet, still hoping for a Dean.

Dating Update

I know everyone has been waiting with baited breath for my next dating update. Do men even read the profiles or just look at the pictures? Because if they read my profile they would know, somewhat, who I am. But they are all not reading, perhaps they are not able to? Or if they do they are just ignoring what I’ve said, which is just as bad.

I’ve been told that I just don’t know how to talk to men so they will find me interesting. I don’t know how to be helpless, so they will feel like they can take care of me.

I don’t think I can do this, I think that woman I heard on A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ was right. If you are a woman over 50 you just need to give it up and get a cat and expect to live your life alone.

I refuse to water down who I am, I did that for way too many years. I wasn’t myself when I was married, my fault, not blaming him. I began to be someone else when in a horrible relationship, totally on me, I should have ended that years before I did.

So now, I am Angie, I am a self admitted bookworm, nerd, comic-book reading, Sci-Fi loving and purple-haired GiGi.

I would rather live alone with my Flerken and Dire Wolf than be in another relationship where I lose who I am.

Ok, so, there was one man, who is an airplane mechanic, that swiped right on me, I swiped right on him. Conversation begins, I find out he is an airplane mechanic so I say oh that’s really cool, my oldest brother was an airplane mechanic. He then unmatches with me, to be honest I would have unmatched with him. The conversation was stilted and he wasn’t into the things I am into, it would have been another disaster.

But a friend said that he did that because I compared him to another man. Ok I am going to need a man to explain this to me, was that the case, or was he just a jackass?

I don’t think I can do this, I am not anyones type, seriously, is there a man out there who wants to talk superheroes, mythology, the Bible, Shakespeare, Whedon and travel?

I know I’m weird, I am not going to change, I refuse to be something I am not. So here I sit, a wolf at my feet, a Flerken plotting my demise and I am wonderfully happy.

I’ll keep the dating app, as I promised Shay she could man shop for me on Sunday.

Any thoughts, comments, criticisms or tips please feel free to say it here or email me at