Who Inspires You?

Ok, so, I have two podcasts that I listen to, one is A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ and the other is Life, Love and Business done by Ray and Amy Cattaneo.

Their podcasts are short, anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes in length. So not a huge commitment in time to listen. One of the episodes was about who inspires you and you never know who you are inspiring.

Now I am not inspiring, but so many people inspire me on a daily basis. My children inspire me, my granddaughter, some of my friends. You’re going to be wondering which ones inspire me now, aren’t you?

I think a lot of people as they get older don’t believe that younger people can inspire them or influence them. I disagree. There are so many people that are younger than I am that just blow me away.

Their passion and commitment to life goals and even relationships is awe inspiring. When I first came to the department I’m in now I sat next to a young man (age wise my children’s age), he had way more knowledge about the job than I had. Can you imagine if I had that mindset of I’m older there’s nothing you can teach me. We ended up becoming friends, even giving each other book suggestions. And sharing music interests, I would have missed out on great information that helped me get up to speed in my job and would have missed out on a positive friendship. Simply due to pride, don’t let age deter you from seeking inspiration and learning opportunities.

I don’t find myself inspirational in the least, I am quite ordinary and geeky. I haven’t really accomplished much, with the exception of my three amazing children. I do believe I did a great job with them. I take full credit for how they turned out.

So, who inspires you? I would love to hear from people. I mean obviously my parents inspired me, my cousins, aunts and uncles, niece and nephew, grand nephews and nieces. But who do you look and and say oh wow that person does whatever. You can leave a comment here or contact me at angie@angieworld.com.

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